
Amy Krouse Rosenthal is one of our favourite authors. This week, we read a book of hers called Chopsticks.


Most of the students in the class had never tried chopsticks or eaten sushi, so we gave it a try. First we rubbed them together to get rid of any splinters…

..and then we gave using them a try. There were lots of different techniques.



Finally, success!!




Incidentally, almost everyone loved the sushi.
The students’ writing about the possibilities of chopsticks will begin appearing on their blogs later today.

Tweeting With Elise Gravel

We have a lot of Elise Gravel books in our classroom, and the students love them.

Yesterday, we used Elise Gravel’s book I Want a Monster to help us to draw monsters. The students were so pleased with their results that they wished they could show them to her. Because I know that Elise Gravel is on Twitter, I suggested that the students tweet her their pictures. So we did.

And to the student’s delight, right at the end of our school day, she tweeted every one of the students back! “Best end of the day ever” they all said.

All About Moose Jaw

Our class is part of the pilot project for a wonderful initiative called A Kid’s Guide to Canada. It’s about kids digitally telling the story of where they live for Canada’s 150th birthday next year. The students chose the important things in our community themselves, took many of the pictures, dictated the text and recorded their thoughts and opinions. It’s so interesting to see what six year olds think are the important parts of their lives.
This project will be open for all Canadian classes beginning in January.