Reader’s Theatre: The Videos

After lots of practice in our classroom, in other classrooms in our school and with other classes in Florida and Pennsylvania, we at last did our reader’s theatre for a video camera. Despite interruptions like ringing phones and announcements over the intercom, the students performed like troopers!

They are (and should be) very pleased with themselves for the way they did their parts.

Reader’s Theatre with Florida and Pennsylvania

At last the big day arrived! We did perform our Reader’s Theatre for a couple of classes in the school, but the pictures below show the students showing their expression and smooth reading with a first grade class in Florida and a second grade class in Pennsylvania.

Reader's Theatre with Skype

Reader's Theatre with Skype

Reader's Theatre via Skype

Reader's Theatre with Skype

Next week, we’ll get to perform our stories with a couple of other classes from Manitoba and Ontario.