Christmas Fun

Over the last days before our Christmas break, we had a lot of fun doing special Christmas activities. We got to shop at the “Christmas Store” in the gym, choosing special gifts with the help of our big buddies…
Choosing Gifts
Choosing Gifts

…and then getting them wrapped by the helpers who donated their time.
Wrapping Gifts

Finally, they were all ready for us to take home.
See All the Presents We Bought

We also hand-made our Christmas cards…
Making Christmas Cards

and made special wrapping for our clay gifts…
Handmade and Wrapped Gifts

We decorated Christmas cookies…
Decorating Cookies

and made a cooperative mural.
Mural Making

The highlight, though, was the Christmas concert.
Christmas Concert Ready!

Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday from all of us.

Pajama Day

What fun to get to wear your pj’s, housecoat and slippers to school! Add your blankie, a pillow and a stuffed animal and learning is sooo much more fun. We did feel a bit sleepy, though…


Glimpses Into Our Classroom

Check out some of the things we’ve been up to this past week.

Wearing mustaches in support of Movember…

…learning about one and two more and less using a Bee-Bot…

…playing a game of Guess My Number with a first grade class in Texas…

…and reading our wonderful new books. Every year, the Children’s Book Centre donates a book to every grade one student in Canada. This year’s choice was Small Saul by Ashley Spires.