Baby Pheasants

It was pretty exciting to get to school and to see that two of the pheasant eggs we have been carefully tending since March finally had tiny peck holes in them.


We watched the eggs carefully all day but despite lots of rocking and squeals of delight from the children, nothing else happened. Finally, in a break near the end of the day, I went to pick up a couple of chicks that had hatched in another classroom who had had better luck. As you can see from the pictures below, this was what the children had been hoping for.


Several years ago, when the pheasants were more cooperative about hatching, I made this video of the process. It captures the students’ excitement and how the babies “get out of there”.

4 thoughts on “Baby Pheasants

  1. I thought those pheasants were so cute and I thought it was so cool how you hatched them out of an egg. It must have been pretty exciting that finally the eggs hatched after all that waiting. What was it like seeing a pheasant hatch out of it’s egg? What did the pheasants do after they hatched.

    • Brandon, after they hatch, pheasants are still very wet and their legs are not strong. They flop around for awhile and then within a couple of hours they are dry and start to run around.

  2. I loved the video and the pheasants were adorable! Hatching pheasants sounds very fun and I want to try it sometime with my class, but I am wondering how long it took you to hatch them. Also, was it a lot of work, and was it fun?


    • Natalie, my students this year have not hatched pheasants yet, so I’ll answer for them. The pheasant eggs take 24-25 days to hatch. The students turn them every day.

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