Advice for Next Year’s Grade One Class (from this year’s class)

A few days ago, we talked about how the students had felt when they first entered my class, and how they felt now. What did they know now that they didn’t know on their first day? They remembered being scared and wondering what to do. What would their teacher be like? Would they have friends?

We decided to make a video to help the NEW grade one students when they are wondering what it will be like. Here are the tips that the students thought were important!

9 thoughts on “Advice for Next Year’s Grade One Class (from this year’s class)

  1. What a great idea! I loved that you had your students give advice for your next year’s class. The tips they shared seem so simple to an adult, but to kids it’s what they worry about and what’s important to them. I also enjoyed how you had them illustrate their tip and showcased it in the video with a small section of the screen the students verbally sharing their advice. Great project and fantastic way to integrate arts into everyday lessons!

  2. This is one of the cutest things I have seen! I am about to be a first year teacher in first grade and I think this is great for students to see to help put them at ease on the first day. I can already think of others things that first graders get worried about (tying their shoe, finding the bathroom, etc). This is just great! Having them draw was such a great idea. It would be neat to see their drawings from the beginning of year compared to one at the end of the year. And kids love art. I am sure they had fun with this activity. This is actually making me nervous to teach on my first day. Maybe I should make a video of my nerves to look back at the end of the school year 🙂

    • Good idea, Amanda!
      BTW, I have butterflies in my stomach every single year and I’ve had more than 20 first days of school.

  3. I often wondered what to do with my new students each year. I think a video is so clever. I teach a self contained class and I have ome studnets returning, this would be a great way to make my new students more comfortable. Thank you

  4. Presume that you had to get parental permission to post kids work, photos, videos etc on the website. Was there any resistance and if so were you able to convince parents that had reservations?

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