Happy Holidays

Not all of the children were present on the last day of school to be included in these photos, but from ALL of us in the classroom, have a very happy holiday season. We’ll be back sharing our learning in the new year.


Santa Koala

Tonight was our Christmas concert! The theme was Christmas Around the World, so our class chose to sing Santa Koala, a song written about Australia. We recorded our song earlier today as we did our final practice.

We Can Add!

We’re coming to the end of our current addition and subtraction unit. Check the students’ blogs for a screencast they have created of an addition story.


Bells and Books

It’s not too long until Christmas!
Today the children made special advent calendars. Beginning tonight, the students will take one link off of their chain every night until Christmas Eve. When they teach the bell, the big day will be here.


Several weeks ago, our class won a school wide contest for reading the most pages in one week. Finally today we got the books we picked out as prizes! Some great reading ahead!
